Electric Route 66 Dashcam #2: Grand Canyon Caverns

I recently uploaded the second video of the new Electric Route 66 Dashcam series. This one lasts under 5 minutes, and covers a short stretch of Route 66 leading to Grand Canyon Caverns in Arizona.

Parked at the restaurant and caverns entrance
EV charging is available at the adjacent RV park for restaurant and motel guests!

Grand Canyon Caverns is a long time Route 66 attraction 12 miles east of Peach Springs, Arizona. It features tours of a large cavern system, after an elevator ride over 200 feet below the surface. A store and the Cavern Inn motel is located at the Route 66 entrance to the property, while the caverns entrance, restaurant and RV park are located about 1 mile away from 66 via private road. This dashcam video starts on eastbound Route 66, enters the Grand Canyon Caverns property at the motel and store, and then travels to the cafe and caverns entrance. I hope you enjoy this short Sunday drive!

You can view the video embedded below, or follow this link directly to YouTube. As always, this Electric Route 66 dashcam video features multiple simultaneous views - one forward-facing view on the top row and 3 rear-facing views on the bottom row.


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